Memorial Hall Library

May 2020 puzzle

Elect to Connect in 2020!May is a fantastic month to get out and do some birding, which is a not-so-subtle hint concerning the theme of this month's puzzle. A couple of great (and free!) apps for identifying the birds you see and hear are Audubon Birds of North America and Merlin ID, but if you want to go beyond identification and learn all about a bird species, one of the best resources you can use is Birds of the World from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Did you know American Robbins typically make two nests per year, the first in evergreens, generally just a few feet off the ground, and the second in deciduous trees, higher up? Birds of the World tells you things like that! Have a look by visiting or watch this short video that shows how to get started!

Throughout 2020, we'll post a new puzzle the first day of every month as part of our Elect to Connect in 2020 campaign. If you have questions or feedback, get in touch—we'd love to hear from you!