Memorial Hall Library

November 2020 Puzzle

elect to connect logoStephen King is such a prolific writer, it's no wonder that many of his stories have been adapted into films and TV series. The Stand, which has already been adapted into a TV series once (in 1994, starring Gary Sinise), is being released again just next month, this time starring James Marsden and Alexander Skarsgård. (Several of us at MHL are huge fans of Mr. King's works and are very excited about this!) With this in mind, we've made the theme of this month's puzzle Stephen King Stories on the Screen.

If you are also a Stephen King fan but have read most of his work and are looking for similar authors, try checking the Read-Alikes feature in a couple of fantastic resources all book lovers should know about: BookBrowse and NoveList. Both are free to use with your Andover library card—Just search the author's name and choose the Read-Alikes option.
