Memorial Hall Library

October 2020 Mid-Month Sudoku

Whether you're a sudoku novice or a seasoned pro, try your hand at MHL's mid-month sudoku!  A new puzzle will be released on the 15th of each remaining month in 2020 as a complement to the crossword released on the 1st of each month as part of our Elect to Connect series.  If you're feeling spooky with Halloween only two weeks away, why not try a Katie McDonald mystery featuring a sleuth who's a sudoku whiz and mathematician?  You can borrow The Sudoku Murder, Serial Killer Sudoku, and Sudden Death Sudoku from our partner consortium, SAILS.  If you're new to sudoku, check out Sudoku for Dummies as an e-book from our parter consoritum, OCLN.  New to borrowing e-books from our partner consortia?  Check out this explanation.


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