Memorial Hall Library

Cuddle and Craft: Mae Jemison

This week's Cuddle and Craft program celebrates Black History Month and specifically the first African American female astronaut Mae Jemison!  There are several biographies about Mae available through the Merrimack Valley LIbrary Consortium but this week I want to highlight e-books from our subscription service Hoopla.  You will need your Andover library card to access these e-books on your computer, tablet or phone.  Let us know if you need help with this service.  Also, many of the titles are available as print books through the catalog as well.  If we don't have them in Andover be sure to change to search all of MVLC to make a request.  For older readers try this book from the Super Femail Scientists series Mae Jemison by Xina Uhl.  Younger readers can try Mae Jemison by Linda Barghoorn from the Remarkable Lives Revealed series.  Both links will take you directly to Hoopla, however if you do not have an account you will need to make one to access these titles here. A favorite book from our Children's Room collection is Mae among the Stars by Roda Ahmed. For our craft this week we will have an instruction sheet for making your own rocket ship.  These can be picked up in The Chidren's Room or by contactless Grab and Go.  Just called The Children's Room at 978-623-8440 or email to request a copy of the instructions.