The library will close on Tuesday, December 24th at noon and stay closed through Wednesday, December 25th for Christmas

Memorial Hall Library

The Andover Room Collection

Memorial Hall Library, Circa late 1800'sThe Andover Room Collection consists of print and electronic books on Andover history and genealogy.  Scrapbooks, pamphlets and ephemera on subjects such as Andover organizations, local government, churches, schools, companies and people are also in the collection.  In addition, the room houses town government documents, yearbooks, street lists and maps.  The Andover Townsman newspaper is available on microfilm and online

Access to the collection is limited.  A patron may request up to 5 items at one time to use within the library.  A library card or license is held at the Reference Desk until all material is returned and inspected.  Photocopying and photographing materials is allowed with some exceptions. 

Andover Room material can be found by searching the Library Catalog and by searching or browsing the following list. 

Contact Stephanie Aude, Local History Reference Librarian, at or 978-623-8430 for assistance.

The Andover Center for History & Culture has extensive historical and genealogical document and image collections and is located half a mile from the library.

Call number Title Author Barcode
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.7445 REV (VF) Revised Standard Version Bible observance service : Free Crhistian Church Andover, Massachusetts Tuesday, September 30, 1952 / 31330009145495
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.7445 SER (VF) Services at the dedication of the Free Christian Church : Andover, Massachusetts, September Nineteen, 1908. 31330009145479
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.7445 SMI The founding of the Free Christian Church of Andover : read at the 100th anniversary of its founding by Mary Byers Smith. Smith, Mary Byers 31330001342520
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.7445 WIL (VF) The wild wacky happy Roaring 20's / 31330009145503
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.7445 WOM (VF) Woman's Union 1959-1960: Free Christian Church, Andover, Mass. 31330009145461
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.8 CHU A sermon delivered in the south parish in Andover April 5, 1810 : being the annual fast in Massachusetts / Church, John Hubbard, 31330005664051
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.8 MEM (PAMPHLET BOX 3 Memorial booklet of the Free Church fire of January 27, 1941 / 31330001337785
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.8 ONE (PAMPHLET BOX 3 The One hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Andover Ministerial Association, 1763-1913 : held at First Congregational Church, Lowell, Tuesday, October 7, 1913. 31330001339260
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.8 PAT The parish of Christ Church, Andover. Patterson, Frances W. 31330001349608
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.8 PIK The history of South Church in Andover, Massachusetts founded on October 17, 1711 / Pike, Julie. 31330007216843
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.8 SOU Historical manual of the South church in Andover, Mass. South Church (Andover, Mass.) 31330001333818
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.8 SOU Historical manual of the South church in Andover, Mass. South Church (Andover, Mass.) 31330001339492
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.8 SOU Historical manual of the South church in Andover, Mass. South Church (Andover, Mass.) 31330005664069
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.8 SOU (PAMPHLET BOX 3 Manual and directory of the South Church, Andover, Massachusetts. South Church (Andover, Mass.) 31330001337819
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.8 SOU (PAMPHLET BOX 6 Articles of faith, and form of covenant, adopted by the South Church in Andover. : To which is added the Rev. Samuel Phillips' answer to the question, "What shall we do, that we may keep in mind our covenant?" : Together with the names of the... South Church (Andover, Mass.) 31330007394426
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.8 SOU/V.2 Weekly calendars. South Church (Andover, Mass.) 31330001337801
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.8 SOU/V1 Weekly calendars. South Church (Andover, Mass.) 31330001337793
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.8 WES Historical manual of the West Church and Parish in Andover, Massachusetts, with the complete roll of the members of the church, 1826-1926. West Parish Church (Andover, Mass.) 31330001337827
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.8 WES Historical manual of the West Church and Parish in Andover, Massachusetts, with the complete roll of the members of the church, 1826-1926. West Parish Church (Andover, Mass.) 31330001337835
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.8 WES Historical sketches of the West Parish church, Andover, Massachusetts, 1906. West Parish Church (Andover, Mass.) 31330001333826
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.8 WES Historical sketches of the West Parish church, Andover, Massachusetts, 1906. West Parish Church (Andover, Mass.) 31330001339484
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.8 WES One hundred and thirty years of church and parish history, 1826-1956 / West Parish Church (Andover, Mass.) 31330001337850
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.8 WES (PAMPHLET BOX 3 Historical manual of the West Church and Parish in Andover, Massachusetts, with the complete roll of the members of the church, 1826-1926. West Parish Church (Andover, Mass.) 31330001337843
ANDOVER ROOM R 285.874 SOU The South Church, Congregational, Andover, Massachusetts : two hundred fiftieth anniversary, October 15-22, 1961. 31330003145103
ANDOVER ROOM R 288.092 HAR Reverend Abiel Abbot of Peterborough, New Hampshire / Harrer, John A. 31330000295141
ANDOVER ROOM R 305.244 COR Portfolio life : the new path to work, purpose, and passion after 50 / Corbett, David D., 31330005806157
ANDOVER ROOM R 305.43 WOM Women at work. 31330003991795
ANDOVER ROOM R 307.1 AND Andover at 400 : public forums on the future held during Andover's 350th birthday celebration, 1996 / 31330004552745
ANDOVER ROOM R 307.1 AND Andover at 400 : public forums on the future held during Andover's 350th birthday celebration, 1996 / 31330004590034
ANDOVER ROOM R 307.1 REP (VF) Report on the proposed general plan for the Andover Planning Board ; Planning and Renewal Associates. 31330009496575
ANDOVER ROOM R 307.1 REV Review of Andover's planning process. 31330009496302
ANDOVER ROOM R 307.1 REV Review of Andover's planning process. 31330009496344
ANDOVER ROOM R 307.33 AND Andover Central Business District Parking Study / 31330007971868
ANDOVER ROOM R 307.33 AND Andover Central Business District Plan / 31330007971850
ANDOVER ROOM R 307.33 AND Central Business District Plan / Andover (Mass.). Planning Board. 31330007971835
ANDOVER ROOM R 307.33 DOW Downtown Andover Parking Study / 31330007971843
ANDOVER ROOM R 307.33 MAR Market research analysis of Andover's Central Business District / 31330008262077
ANDOVER ROOM R 317.4 MAS Annual report on the vital statistics of Massachusetts. births, marriages, divorces and deaths. Massachusetts. Office of the Secretary of State. 31330003330655
ANDOVER ROOM R 325.73 GRO Growing up Hispanic in Lawrence, Massachusetts. 31330002112658
ANDOVER ROOM R 326 STO A key to Uncle Tom's cabin : presenting the original facts and documents upon which the story is founded, together with corroborative statements verifying the truth of the work. Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 31330001205578
ANDOVER ROOM R 329 ALL Government through opposition : party politics in the 1790's. Allis, Frederick S., (Frederick Scouller), 31330003112111
ANDOVER ROOM R 330.974 ESS/ 1980 The location of industry : a directory of Essex County. Essex County (Mass.). Planning Department. 31330001332786
ANDOVER ROOM R 331.0973 MEL Bread--and roses : the struggle of American labor, 1865-1915. Meltzer, Milton, 31330002429870
ANDOVER ROOM R 331.0973 TAL (PAMPHLET BO Talkin' union : the American labor movement / 31330003938440
ANDOVER ROOM R 331.31 CHI (PAMPHLET BOX Child labor in America : edited by Juliet H. Mofford. 31330003991753
ANDOVER ROOM R 331.40974 DUB Transforming women's work : New England lives in the industrial revolution / Dublin, Thomas, 31330003653874
ANDOVER ROOM R 331.48 CAM Radicals of the worst sort : laboring women in Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1860-1912 / Cameron, Ardis. 31330003525940
ANDOVER ROOM R 331.48 CAM Radicals of the worst sort : laboring women in Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1860-1912 / Cameron, Ardis. 31330003590290
ANDOVER ROOM R 331.88 CAH Lawrence, 1912 : the Bread and Roses Strike / Cahn, William, 31330001337553
ANDOVER ROOM R 331.88 CAH Lawrence, 1912 : the Bread and Roses Strike / Cahn, William, 31330001309065
ANDOVER ROOM R 331.88 CAH Lawrence, 1912 : the Bread and Roses Strike / Cahn, William, 31330001337546
ANDOVER ROOM R 331.88 FOR Lawrence and the 1912 Bread and Roses strike / Forrant, Robert, 31330007565579
ANDOVER ROOM R 331.88 JUR Commonwealth of toil : chapters in the history of Massachusetts workers and their unions / Juravich, Tom. 31330003909904
ANDOVER ROOM R 331.88 KOR Rebel voices : an I.W.W. anthology / Kornbluh, Joyce L. 31330003174780
ANDOVER ROOM R 331.88 LAW (PAMPHLET BOX Lawrence, Massachusetts : the strike of 1912 / 31330005533694
ANDOVER ROOM R 331.88 LAW (PAMPHLET BOX Lawrence, Massachusetts : the strike of 1912 / 31330003235680
ANDOVER ROOM R 331.88 WAT Bread and roses : mills, migrants, and the struggle for the American dream / Watson, Bruce, 31330005554385
ANDOVER ROOM R 331.88 WAT Bread and roses : mills, migrants, and the struggle for the American dream / Watson, Bruce, 31330005558162
ANDOVER ROOM R 331.88 WAT 2005 Bread and roses : mills, migrants, and the struggle for the American dream / Watson, Bruce, 31330005685296
ANDOVER ROOM R 332.1 AND (PAMPHLET BOX 3 A historical sketch covering one hundred twenty years of Andover National Bank, Andover, Massachusetts, 1826-1946. Andover National Bank. 31330001337868
ANDOVER ROOM R 332.1 AND (PAMPHLET BOX 3 A historical sketch covering one hundred twenty years of Andover National Bank, Andover, Massachusetts, 1826-1946. Andover National Bank. 31330007493236
ANDOVER ROOM R 332.1 AND (PAMPHLET BOX 3 A historical sketch covering one hundred twenty years of Andover National Bank, Andover, Massachusetts, 1826-1946. Andover National Bank. 31330007493244
ANDOVER ROOM R 332.1 AND (PAMPHLET BOX 3 A historical sketch covering one hundred twenty years of Andover National Bank, Andover, Massachusetts, 1826-1946. Andover National Bank. 31330007493269
ANDOVER ROOM R 332.1 AND (PAMPHLET BOX 3 A historical sketch covering one hundred twenty years of Andover National Bank, Andover, Massachusetts, 1826-1946. Andover National Bank. 31330007493277
ANDOVER ROOM R 332.4 KON (PAMPHLET BOX 1 Money in colonial New England. Konker, Elizabeth A. 31330006217529
ANDOVER ROOM R 332.7 KON (PAMPHLET BOX 1 Colonial New England : the cashless society / Konker, Elizabeth A. 31330006217560
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.338 EVA An evaluation of the fiscal impact of residential development in the Town of Andover / 31330007752243
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.338 EVA An evaluation of the fiscal impact of residential development in the Town of Andover / 31330007752250
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.7 AND A directory of recreation in Andover / Andover (Mass.). Community Council for Recreation 31330008353116
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.7 MOF AVIS, a history in conservation / Mofford, Juliet Haines. 31330001337520
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.7 TEN Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company final environmental impact report : Tewksbury-Andover Lateral project. Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company. 31330008756094
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.72 GOL Pomp's Pond / Goldsmith, Bessie P. 31330008945929
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.72 POM Pomps Pond Park plan for development / 31330007752144
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.72 REC A Reconnaissance report on the feasibility of constructing a dam and channel in the vicinity of the Shawsheen River and Pomps Pond, Andover, Mass. for recreational improvement purposes / 31330001338098
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.72 REP Report on Pomps Pond improvements. 31330007752136
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.78 AND 1970 Andover, Massachusetts open space and recreation plan, 1970- 31330007752177
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.78 AND 1976 Andover, Massachusetts open space and recreation plan, 1970- 31330007752185
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.78 AND 1983 Andover, Massachusetts open space and recreation plan, 1970- 31330007752193
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.78 AND 1989 Andover, Massachusetts open space and recreation plan, 1970- 31330007752201
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.78 AND 1997 Andover, Massachusetts open space and recreation plan, 1970- 31330007725587
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.91 EVI Evidence and arguments on petitions of Cambridge and Boston for leave to take water from Shawsheen River, before Committee on Public Health of the Massachusetts legislature / Massachusetts. General Court. 31330005889211
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.91 EVI Evidence and arguments on petitions of Cambridge and Boston, for leave to take water from Shawsheen River before Committee on Public Health of the Massachusetts Legislature 1881 and 1882. Massachusetts. General Court. 31330001695976
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.91 EVI Evidence and arguments on petition of the City of Boston for leave to take water from Shawsheen River / Massachusetts. General Court. Committee on Water Supply. 31330002412223
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.91 FIN Final Shawsheen River watershed wetlands restoration plan : May 2002 / 31330004977801
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.91 FIS The Fish Brook/Haggetts Pond watershed : water supply in Andover / 31330006460004
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.91 MER Shawsheen River Watershed : 1997 Volunteer Monitoring Network Report / Merrimack River Watershed Council. 31330004238550
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.91 SHA Shawsheen water supply : hearing before committee on water supply and drainage, Massachusetts Legislature, 1883. 31330002115206
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.91 UNI Flood plain information : Merrimack - Shawsheen - Spicket Rivers : Lawrence, Methuen, Andover & North Andover, Massachusetts / United States. Army. 31330006111441
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.91 UNI Flood plain information : Merrimack - Shawsheen - Spicket Rivers : Lawrence, Methuen, Andover & North Andover, Massachusetts / United States. Army. 31330007752128
ANDOVER ROOM R 333.95 MAS Massachusetts natural heritage atlas. 31330004648741
ANDOVER ROOM R 336.014 AND 1949 Finance Committee report and town warrant. Andover (Mass.). Finance Committee. MAN-FINCOMM1949
ANDOVER ROOM R 336.014 AND 1950 Finance Committee report and town warrant. Andover (Mass.). Finance Committee. MAN-FINCOMM1950
ANDOVER ROOM R 336.014 AND 1951 Finance Committee report and town warrant. Andover (Mass.). Finance Committee. MAN-FINCOMM1951
ANDOVER ROOM R 336.014 AND 1954 Finance Committee report and town warrant. Andover (Mass.). Finance Committee. MAN-FINCOMM1954
ANDOVER ROOM R 336.014 AND 1955 Finance Committee report and town warrant. Andover (Mass.). Finance Committee. MAN-FINCOMM1955
ANDOVER ROOM R 336.014 AND 1956 Finance Committee report and town warrant. Andover (Mass.). Finance Committee. MAN-FINCOMM1956
ANDOVER ROOM R 336.014 AND 1957 Finance Committee report and town warrant. Andover (Mass.). Finance Committee. MAN-FINCOMM1957
ANDOVER ROOM R 336.014 AND 1958 Finance Committee report and town warrant. Andover (Mass.). Finance Committee. MAN-FINCOMM1958
ANDOVER ROOM R 336.014 AND 1959 Finance Committee report and town warrant. Andover (Mass.). Finance Committee. MAN-FINCOMM1959
ANDOVER ROOM R 336.014 AND 1960 Finance Committee report and town warrant. Andover (Mass.). Finance Committee. MAN-FINCOMM1960

