Memorial Hall Library

Resources on Implicit Bias, Ableism, and Disability

Book Lists

  • Books on Implicit Bias/Ableism
    • This list was generated by MHL staff to cover books that explain what implicit bias and ableism look like, and how to confront bias and ableism. All books listed should be available in the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (MVLC).
  • Books on Disability Awareness
    • This list was generated by MHL staff to cover books written by writers with disabilities about their own experiences. These books may help readers develop a more complete idea of what disability looks like. All books listed should be available from MVLC.
  • Schneider Family Book Award
    • The Schneider Family Book Awards, selected by a committee of the American Library Association (ALA), honor an author or illustrator for a book that embodies an artistic expression of the disability experience for child and adolescent audiences. These lists are created by the ALA but these titles should be available through MVLC libraries.


  • Andover Commission on Disability
    • ACOD is a commission of thirteen volunteers serving three-year terms and appointed by the Select Board to advocate on disability-related issues. 
  • The Autism Society
    • For 57 years and counting, the Autism Society, including our nationwide network of affiliates, connects people to the resources they need through education, advocacy, support, information and referral, and community programming.
  • Disability Visibility Project
    • The Disability Visibility Project is an online community dedicated to creating, sharing, and amplifying disability media and culture.
  • National Equity Project
    • At the National Equity Project, we support leaders to transform their systems into equitable, resilient, and liberating environments.
  • RespectAbility
    • RespectAbility is a diverse, disability-led nonprofit that works to create systemic change in how society views and values people with disabilities, and that advances policies and practices that empower people with disabilities to have a better future. Our mission is to fight stigmas and advance opportunities so people with disabilities can fully participate in all aspects of community.

Articles/Blog Posts

These articles were curated by MHL staff but not written by MHL staff. All should be available without a login/paywall.

  • Ableism 101 by Ashley Eisenmenger for Access Living
    • "As buzzwords like social justice, equity, and inclusion permeate our collective consciousness, it’s essential for advocates of progress to remember another ‘ism,’ one that is frequently left out of conversations. Ableism. The world wasn’t built with people with disabilities in mind, and because of that, the world we live in is inherently 'ableist.'"
  • “Disability Justice” is Simply Another Term for Love by Mia Mingus, for the 2018 Disability Intersectionality Summit 
    • "I often think about all the things needed to hold my story, just to name a few: someone who understands disability, ableism, abled supremacy; the medical industrial complex, histories and notions of cure, ugliness and the myth of beauty; race, white supremacy, orientalism, adoption, transracial adoption, transnational adoption, the commodification and ownership of children, immigration, forced migration; korea, diaspora, US imperialism, war, borders; the Caribbean, colonization, the US South, anti-black racism, slavery and the US slave trade system; misogyny, patriarchy, sexism, gender, domestic and sexual violence, child sexual abuse; feminism, queerness, queer people of color; rural lands, islands, rural communities. And how all of these intersect with each other."
  • "How I'm Defeating My Internalized Ableism" by Rin Kraft for The Mighty
    • "I struggle with internalized ableism. And though I try to fight it, I can’t really help it. After all, I grew up in a society where what you do, how much money you make, and how you spend your time is imperative to your identity. I mean, it’s one of the first questions people ask each other when they first meet after 'how are you?'"
  • Implicit Biases and People With Disabilities by the American Bar Association
    • "The American Bar Association's Commission on Disability Rights has created this resource to increase awareness of implicit biases, both in general and in particular with regard to persons with disabilities, and to offer techniques to help mitigate these biases. We begin with an overview of implicit bias, in particular what is implicit bias, where do such biases originate, how can we measure them, why are they harmful, and how can we mitigate them. This is followed by a series of questions and scenarios that will allow you to examine your implicit biases about persons with disabilities."
  • Physical Disability Bingo
    • "We hear so many annoying and unpleasant things as physically disabled people. Wouldn't it be nice if we could leap to our feet (or fall out of our chairs) and yell: 'BINGO!'" 
  • Project Implicit from Harvard University
    • A set of Implicit Association Tests, designed to measure a number of implicit biases, including disability bias.
  • "Why I Advocate Against Ableism," by Shiloh Davison for The Mighty
    • "Ableism is the harmful, pervasive and normalized culture surrounding ability and disability. Let’s clear a few things up before we begin – ableism is no single person’s fault. It is not necessarily intentional (though it can be) and it intersects with every facet of a person’s identity (sex, gender, race, etc.)."


None of these podcasts are produced by MHL but all are freely available at the below links or from any podcatcher app (Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, etc.) These are podcasts focused entirely on the disability experience. Most podcast episodes include transcripts on their websites.

  • The Accessible Stall with Kyle and Emily
    • A conversational podcast hosted by two disabled individuals discussing a variety of disability rights issues.
  • Disarming Disability
    • Cohosted by Nicole Kelly and Sarah Tuberty, two women with limb differences, this podcast's mission is to "powerfully deconstruct disability through candid conversations with experts exploring topics related to disability. The podcast looks to educate, empower, voice, and build a more inclusive society."
  • Down to the Struts 
    • Hosted by Qudsiya Naqui, Down to the Struts "is a podcast about disability, design, and intersectionality, where we uncover the building blocks for a more accessible, inclusive, and equitable world for all disabled people."
  • Included: The Disability Equity Podcast
    • "A podcast from the Johns Hopkins University Disability Health Research Center that challenges stereotypes of disability by sharing stories, data, and news."
  • No End In Sight Podcast
    • A podcast hosted by Brianne Benness interviewing chronically ill people about their disability experiences.
  • Disability Visibility: Politics, Culture, & Media - Hosted by Alice Wong
    • "This is life from a disabled lens. Disability Visibility is a podcast hosted by San Francisco night owl Alice Wong featuring conversations on politics, culture, and media with disabled people. If you’re interested in disability rights, social justice, and intersectionality, this show is for you. It’s time to hear more disabled people in podcasting and radio. Named one of the 15 best podcasts by women that you’re not listening to by Refinery 29 in 2021."

Podcast Episodes

These are individual episodes of podcasts whose main focus is not disability, but have released individual episodes focused on bias and ableism.

Documentaries About Disability

  • Audible
    • "Shaken by a friend's suicide, a Deaf high school football player copes with family and relationships while anticipating his final homecoming game."
    • Not available on DVD but is streaming on Netflix; can be accessed by borrowing MHL's Roku with Netflix access.
  • Born This Way
    • "Born This Way follows a group of seven young adults born with Down syndrome as they pursue their passions and life long dreams, explore friendships, romantic relationships, and work, all while defying society's expectations."
    • Not available on DVD but is streaming on the Kanopy service, which can be accessed with an MHL library card.
  • Crip Camp
    • "A groundbreaking summer camp for teens with disabilities proves so inspiring that a group of its alumni join the radical disability rights movement to advocate for historic legislation changes."
    • Not available on DVD but is streaming on Netflix; can be accessed by borrowing MHL's Roku with Netflix access.
  • Deaf U
    • "Deaf U is a reality show that follows seven Gallaudet students. These seven students provide an up close and often deeply personal look at their college journey. As they show us their deaf college experience, they show the world our culture, diversity, and ASL vibrancy."
    • Not available on DVD but is streaming on Netflix; can be accessed by borrowing MHL's Roku with Netflix access.
  • Ku Kanaka/Stand Tall
    • "This documentary profiles the late Kanalu Young whose dive into shallow water at age 15 left him quadriplegic. Angry and defiant, he begins to change when he discovers an untold story of Hawaiian history which fires him up to become a leader of his people."
    • Not available on DVD but is streaming on the Kanopy service, which can be accessed with an MHL library card.
  • When I Walk
    • "In 2006, 25-year-old Jason DaSilva was on vacation at the beach with family when, suddenly, he fell down. He couldn’t get back up. His legs had stopped working; his disease could no longer be ignored.  Just a few months earlier doctors had told him that he had multiple sclerosis, which could lead to loss of vision and muscle control, as well as a myriad of other complications. Jason tried exercise to help cope, but the problem only worsened. After his dispiriting fall on the beach, he turned to his Mom, who reminded him that, despite his disease, he was still a fortunate kid who had the opportunity to pursue the things he loved most: art and filmmaking. Jason picked up the camera, turned it on his declining body, and set out on a worldwide journey in search of healing, self-discovery, and love."
    • Not available on DVD but is streaming on Hoopla, which can be accessed with an MHL library card.

Fictional Movies/TV Shows With Strong Disability Representation

  • New Amsterdam
  • The Peanut Butter Falcon
    • An adventure story set in the world of a modern Mark Twain that begins when Zak, a young man with Down syndrome, runs away from a nursing home where he lives to chase his dream of becoming a professional wrestler and attending the wrestling school of The Salt Water Redneck, his idol. Through circumstances beyond their control, Tyler, a small-time outlaw on the run, becomes Zak's unlikely coach and ally.
    • A movie available on DVD from MHL.
    • Notable for starring Zack Gottsagen, an actor with Down Syndrome playing a character with Down Syndrome.
  • Run
    • "There’s something unnatural about the relationship between Chloe (Kiera Allen) and her mom, Diane (Sarah Paulson). Diane has raised her daughter in isolation, controlling every move since birth, and there are secrets that Chloe's only starting to grasp."
    • A Hulu original movie. Not available on DVD but can be accessed by borrowing MHL's Roku with Hulu access.
    • Notable for starring Kiera Allen, a wheelchair-using actress playing a character who also uses a wheelchair.
  • Special
  • Speechless
    • "Maya DiMeo (Minnie Driver) is a mom on a mission who will do anything for her husband, Jimmy (John Ross Bowie), and kids Ray (Mason Cook), Dylan (Kyla Kenedy), and J.J. (Micah Fowler), her eldest son with cerebral palsy. A single camera comedy about a family with a special-needs child that is good at dealing with the challenges it faces and excellent at creating new ones."
    • A TV series with 3 seasons. Available on DVD and streaming on Hulu, which can be accessed by borrowing MHL's Roku with Hulu access.
    • Notable for Micah Fowler, an actor with cerebral palsy who plays a character with cerebral palsy. 

Online Videos

Many people with disabilities have found value in sharing their stories on social media. Here are some popular content creators with disabilities. We've embedded a sample video from each, but if you find their content informative or entertaining (or both!), you can click through to see more from each of them on their own profile pages. These social media videos can be a great way to experience disabled POVs that aren't often shared in the mainstream media. None of these content creators are affiliated with MHL.

@augustusmorning #ableism #ableistlanguage #disabilitytiktok #disabilityadvocate ♬ Wind Sounds - Deep Sleep Music Maestro

AugustusMorning is a nonverbal disabled TikToker.

@crutches_and_spice Black History is Disability history too. #DuetDoWet #28DaysOfEucerin #blackhistorymonth #blackhistory #disability #disabled ♬ Beg Your Pardon, America? - Eyezlow

Crutches_And_Spice is a TikTok creator who has cerebral palsy.

@diversability Comment and duet other ableist Microaggressions you’ve faced below! #disabilities #ableism #antiableism #FallDIY #duet #fyp ♬ G.A.B - Official Sound Studio

Diversability is a TikTok account that collects stories from many disabled people.

@paigelayle ew plz forgive my heavy masking i am in burnout but wanted to share this. #fyp ♬ original sound - paigelayle

PaigeLayle is an autistic TikToker. 

@immarollwithit #stitch with @dark.moon.witch #UniversalDesign #TemporarilyAble #DisabilityRights #AccessibilityMatters #InclusionNotExclusion @pedestriandignity ♬ original sound - Mya💕

ImmaRollWithIt is a TikTok creator who uses a wheelchair.

@spencer2thewest How To Help Folx w/ Disabilities #learnontiktok #disability #helpinghand @jakeclement4 ♬ Blue Blood - Heinz Kiessling & Various Artists

Spencer2TheWest is a physically disabled TikToker.

@theladywithredglasses #discrimination #Deaf #hoh #phrases #audism #deaftiktoker #deaftiktokerscreators #tired #fyp #stop #oppression ♬ M!ssundaztood - P!NK

TheLadyWithRedGlasses is a Deaf TikToker who uses ASL.

FootlessJo is an amputee YouTuber.
