The library will be closed Monday, January 20th, for Martin Luther King Day

Memorial Hall Library

Proctoring service

Memorial Hall Library Reference staff can offer Andover residents proctoring services provided the following conditions are understood and met:

Contacting the library

All requests for proctoring must come to the library in writing. Students who need a test proctored should direct the testing institution to contact the Reference Department in advance by email at Telephone inquiries either from a student or testing institution must be followed by written requests to We will inform the institution if we are able to meet the restrictions they require. If we are unable to do so, we reserve the right to deny this service. Exams may be sent to us by mail, email, or fax.

Scheduling the examination

If we agree to proctor the test, the student must contact us by telephone or email to schedule a time. We can schedule an exam to be proctored when there are two librarians staffing the reference desk. Exams must be completed at least 30 minutes before library closing time. Students and  testing institutions should be advised that the exam will be proctored by whichever librarian is working at the reference desk at the time the exam is scheduled. We do not assign specific staff to proctor exams. If the librarian who gives the student the test materials and records the start time must leave before the student has completed, he or she may designate another librarian to sign any required documentation. 


Before administering the examination, the monitoring librarian will verify the identity of the student by requiring a picture ID. The librarian will read and follow the proctor instructions on the test and seat the student in sight of the reference desk and in view of a clock.

Limitations of supervision

Due to the daily business demands of a public library, we cannot ensure a quiet environment or that staff will be closely observing the student during the entire exam. We cannot restrict or enforce restrictions on the use of textbooks, notebooks, notes, handheld electronic devices or cell  phones. The student will be responsible for following the test instructions and keeping track of his/her own time.

Returning the exam to testing institution

We cannot pay for postage or other shipping charges. We will not photocopy or keep copies of exams on file. If we are required to mail the completed exam back to the testing institution, the student or testing institution must provide the envelope or package, as well as postage and the cost of a tracking number if such is required by the student or testing institution.

Online exams

Online exams can be completed using library computers in the Reference area if scheduled as dictated above. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that our computers are adequate for their test taking requirements. Students may bring their own laptops and connect to our wireless network, but we will not advise or assist in configuring personal laptops or software.

Costs and materials

The Library does not charge any fees for proctoring. All expenses associated with proctoring, including copying, printing, and postage are the responsibility of the student. An addressed stamped envelope must be provided by the student for materials that need to be mailed. Students are responsible for supplying all necessary materials including pencils, erasers, pens, paper and calculators.


Examinations must be completed by the student within 30 days of the library receiving the exam. Unless the student or testing institution contacts us about rescheduling an exam, we will discard exams that are not taken within those 30 days.

General limitations and reservation of rights

We cannot commit to proctoring an entire course of study or single exams requiring multiple sittings. Requests for exams in series will be treated as separate requests. Because of legal and ethical considerations, librarians will not sign a proctoring statement that attests to any supervision other than that described in this policy. If it is determined that the proctoring request is unreasonable or the demands are too burdensome to administer, the Library reserves the right to deny this service.

If these guidelines do not meet the student's needs, proctoring services may be available at other libraries in the area.