The library will be closed Monday, January 20th, for Martin Luther King Day

Memorial Hall Library

Book Clubs: Finding, starting, and participating in book discussion groups

book pileBook Groups at the Library

Memorial Hall Library sponsors multiple book clubs at the Library. New members are always welcome. Links for the 2024-2025 book lists are below, and each session's selection is listed in the library calendar.

Resources for Book Group Readers

Starting a book group doesn't take much--just interested participants and good reading material. It's a good idea, though, to think about what you and your fellow readers would like to get from the experience, and plan accordingly. Memorial Hall Library suggests the following books and Internet sites to guide you in your group's development: 



The Book Club & the Library

Memorial Hall Library is happy to help you obtain copies of a title for your book club. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when choosing a book for your group: 

  • When choosing a book, check the library's catalog to make sure the consortium owns many copies of the title.
  • Each book club member can reserve their own copy of the book through our online catalog or by calling our reference desk at (978) 623-8430 and a Reference Librarian will reserve a copy for you.
  • Brand-new titles and titles on bestseller lists, or titles that are currently very popular, will have long waiting lists and getting several copies of a title for a specific date will be difficult. 
  • The Merrimack Valley Library Consortium provides a collection of Book Club Kits, a tote bag with fifteen paperback copies of a title, a discussion guide, and if available, a large print copy, and a DVD or video that relates to the title.  Kits can be reserved up to three years in advance by accessing our online reservation system or by calling the MHL Reference Desk at 978-623-8430.

Book Discussion Guides

Book Club leaders generally prepare a list of questions or "talking points" to get a group started in its discussion. Here are a few Web sites offering sample discussion guides: 

  • Reading Group Guides Discussion guides organized by book type
  • Group Reads: A collection of book discussions to inspire Andover book groups
  • Reading Group Choices: This site offers suggested titles for book clubs, a searchable database of discussion guides, and advice for starting and leading your own reading group
  • Reading Group Guides: This site offers reading suggestions and discussion guides, and ideas and advice for starting and running a reading group
  • W.W. Norton Reading Guides: Discussion guides for various W.W. Norton titles 