The library will be closed Monday, February 17th for Presidents Day

Memorial Hall Library

Board of Trustees

see also theĀ Complete List of Memorial Hall Library Trustees

The mission of the Trustees is to generally oversee the management of the library, including the selection of the Library Director, the approval of the budget, administration of invested funds and the establishment of general policies. The seven trustees are appointed by the Town Manager and serve a term of three years. The current trustees are:

Member Date of 1st Appointment Term Expires
Karen M. Herman, Chair February 9, 1987 June 30, 2026
Laurence J. Lamagna, Treasurer March 16, 1992 June 30, 2027
Carolyn A. Fantini, Secretary June 26, 2000 June 30, 2025
Anthony Straceski March 21, 2011 June 30, 2027
Mark Yanowitz May 20th, 2013 June 30, 2026
Marilyn Santagati October 16, 2018 June 30, 2027
Sarah Klock September 9, 2024 June 30, 2027


Scholarships are awarded by the Trustees each year to graduating high school pages who have worked for the library for a minimum of eighteen months, who demonstrate academic achievement and solid work values and who are continuing their studies beyond high school. These scholarships, which have been awarded since 1986, have contributed to the education of dozens of young people who have worked at the library.

Historic Footprints

Historic Footprints is the name given to the project that resulted in a park-like restoration of the front of the library. A brick and granite plaza in the shape of an oval complements the garden. From 1993 through 1995, the Board of Trustees raised $70,000 for the project. Supporters who bought "bricks" are acknowledged on a plaque board inside the front entrance. The board contains personal messages of all three hundred of these donors and their families. Local foundations, businesses and the Friends of Memorial Hall Library are also acknowledged for their significant contributions to the project.


In 1995 and 1996, the Trustees commissioned a videotape about the library as a gift to the town of Andover for its 350th birthday. Writer and editor Maribeth Edmonds of North Andover and videographer Alan Michel produced the 23 minute film called The Life of the Library. Focusing on diverse members of the community, The Life of the Library tells the many stories of how the library is used, how it changes and enriches the lives of our citizens. The Life of the Library may be borrowed from the library or it may be purchased for twenty dollars.

Other Projects

Over the years, the Board of Trustees has contributed to many other projects which have enhanced the quality of the library and its overall success. For example, when the major addition and renovation was completed in 1987, the Trustees raised money to purchase the artwork which now enhances the building. The Trustees have continued to purchase art created by local artists for the library.

Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Trustees Board meetings can be found here.