MHL reference librarians are here to help answer your questions and find whatever information you're looking for. We are also happy to show you how we answer your questions -- what resources we consult, and how we use them.
Here are some of the things we help people with regularly:
- find books, DVDs and CDs to borrow, either here or at another library
- look up information using a variety of print and online resources
- suggest good books suited to one's individual reading tastes
- find information using premium online databases that are free to use by anyone with a library card
- get people started with local history and genealogical research
- show people how to use our computers and other equipment
If we can't answer your question, we'll try to put you in touch with someone who can.
Reference staff are on hand whenever the library is open. You can visit us in person, call us at 978-623-8430, email us at rdesk@mhl.org, or ask your question using our online form.