The library will be closed Monday, October 14th

Memorial Hall Library



Our collection

We are pleased to offer a large and diverse collection of music CDs. Our CDs are located on Level 2, shelved in the following categories:


Searching the catalog for music CDs

In the catalog, enter any combination of words, in any order, into the keyword search box: artist's name, title of song or album. The more words you enter, the fewer CDs you will retrieve. Do not use the word and.


  • justin bieber
  • justin bieber my world
  • beethoven symphony #5 or Beethoven symphony no. 5
  • goat rodeo
  • regina spektor cheap seats or regina cheap seats (misspelling spektor will yield no results)

To be sure you retrieve CDs only... 

... look for a dropdown box that reads All Formats and select All Music. If you are doing an advanced search, look for Search Filters and select Music from the list of Item Types. Entering Justin Bieber yields 40 results. Entering Justin Bieber limited to music retrieves only 16, because his name is associated also with books and videos.

Using a subject search for music (e.g., jazz) is not recommended because the number of results will be too large. Try jazz trumpet or jazz vocal, etc. as keywords instead. Subject searches sometimes yield no results because the music subject headings from the Library of Congress are often not the words you would expect.

Music call numbers decoded

An item's call number indicates where it is shelved. The call number of a music CD indicates the musical category, then the first three letters of the artist or title. Music is filed alphabetically by the first three letters under the category.


music CD call number in the catalog where it's shelved
Nothing but the best sung by Frank Sinatra CD Popular SIN on Level 2 in the Popular category, alphabetized under SIN
In these times sung by the group Peter, Paul & Mary CD Folk Music PET on Level 2 in the Folk Music category under PET
Justin Bieber My World CD Popular BIE
the copy with call number CD Popular BIE is on Level 2 in the Popular category under BIE
the copy with call number Teen CD BIE is on Level 1 in the Teen Room

Tips for searching classical music

The more information you enter into the keyword box, the better your chance of retrieving what you want. Enter as much as you know: composer, instrument, type of piece (such as sonata), key (e major), performer, conductor, symphony or sonata number  (e.g., sonata no. 32). 


  • Brahms piano violin sonata
  • Gershwin rhapsody blue Bernstein
  • Elgar cello concerto yo ma
  • Mozart symphony no. 41
  • chopin etudes op. 32
  • beethoven piano sonata 109
  • Tchaikovsky symphony no. 5

Looking for a music DVD?

DVDs of musical shows (Chicago, Rent) are interfiled with feature DVDs on Level 1 and have Feature in the call number. For example, Chicago: DVD/CHI Feature

Ballet, opera and music performance DVDs are filed on Level 2 outside the director's office. For example,

  • Elvis on Elvis: DVD ELV / Music
  • Carmen: DVD CAR / Opera
  • Nutcracker Ballet: DVD NUT / Ballet

Looking for sheet music?

We have many books of popular (782.42) and Broadway (782.14) music. You can search the catalog for individual songs by entering song title into search box and choosing Music Score from the list under Format.  In advanced search, enter song title in keyword box; look for Item Type box below; and choose “Notated Music” at the bottom of the list.

Ask a reference librarian to help! Call the reference desk from the telephone on the desk on Level 2, ext 31 or 32.