The library will be closed Monday, February 17th for Presidents Day

Memorial Hall Library

Library Cards and Borrowing Items

How do I get a library card?

  • All Andover residents, property owners, Town of Andover municipal employees, and Andover public school teachers and students are eligible to get a Memorial Hall Library card. Apply for a virtual card online if you are an Andover resident or visit the library with appropriate identification to sign up. 
  • Residents of other cities and towns in Massachusetts may use their hometown library card in our system or apply for a Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (MVLC) card online or in person with appropriate identification.
  • Andover private school students who live out of state may apply for a Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (MVLC) card in person with appropriate identification.

Appropriate identification could be a driver's license, lease, utility bill, school or town ID, or something similar.

Questions or problems? Contact us at or 978-623-8400. 

How do I renew my library card?

Visit the library to renew your card in person or renew it online

Can I use my card at other libraries?

Yes, you may use your library card at any of the 36 members of the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium. You may also register to use any public library in Massachusetts.

What do I do if I lose my library card?

Please report a lost of stolen card immediately. You will be issued a new card.

How can I renew items?

Most items will automatically renew twice if no one is waiting for them. Contact the Circulation Desk at or 978-623-8400 if you have questions.

Can I return an item when the library is closed?

Yes, the library has a book drop in the parking lot that is open 24/7. Please put a rubber band around items in cases that may open.

What if I return an item late or lose it?

The library charges fines only on the late return of museum passes. However, if you return an item here that you checked out at a library with fines, fines will be charged on your late item. Charges of $20 or more must be paid before you can use your card. If you check out an item and do not return it, a bill will be sent to you after 7 weeks. The item must be returned OR paid for to clear your card. If a lost item is owned by MHL it may be replaced with an exact copy in good condition. 

How can I get an item if it is checked out to another borrower?

You may reserve Memorial Hall Library and other Merrimack Valley Library Consortium items that are out in circulation by:

  • requesting it yourself through the the online catalog. Click on the Library Catalog link on our homepage. Search for the title. Click "Place hold." Log in to your account by entering your borrower ID and PIN number.
  • asking a reference librarian to place the hold for you
  • phoning the Reference Desk (978-623-8430)

Some materials are not requestable.

Table of Loan Periods and Loan Information

Format How Long? How Many? Holdable? Fines? Renew Twice?
Books 3 Weeks Unlimited Yes No Yes
Books on CD 3 Weeks Unlimited Yes No Yes
Hot Titles 3 Weeks Unlimited No No No
Notable Books 3 Weeks Unlimited Yes No Yes
Playaways 3 Weeks Unlimited Yes No Yes
Language audio 3 Weeks Unlimited Yes No Yes
Music CDs 3 Weeks Unlimited Yes No Yes
Vinyl Records 3 Weeks Unlimited Yes, but Andover pickup only No Yes
Videogames 3 Weeks Unlimited Yes No Yes
Movies & TV on DVD & VCD 1 Week Unlimlited Yes No Yes
Binge Boxes 1 Week Unlimited No No Yes
Travel and documentary DVDs 3 Weeks Unlimited Yes No Yes
Quick Flicks 1 week 3 No No No
Magazines 1 Week Unlimited Yes No Yes
Museum passes Good for one day 2 per month per patron (only one per day, though) Yes $5 if late No
Board games 1 Week Unlimited Yes, but Andover pickup only No Yes
Jigsaw puzzles 3 Weeks Unlimited Yes, but Andover pickup only No Yes
Library of Things items various Unlimited Yes, but Andover pickup only No Yes