The library will close Wednesday, July 3rd, at 5 pm and remain closed Thursday, July 4th, for Independence Day

Memorial Hall Library

Did you miss the tick program? It's now available online.

tick id card

The tick program on Tuesday, June 27 at 7pm in Memorial Hall is now available online, thanks to Andover TV. Lyme Disease is the most prevalent infectious disease in Massachusetts, and is now considered to be a public health crisis. Deer ticks can also carry the pathogens which cause babesiosis, anaplasmosis, relapsing fever and Powassan virus, all of which can be very serious and are on the increase. Catherine M. Brown, Deputy State Epidemiologist/State Public Health Veterinarian, will provide an overview of surveillance data collected on tick-borne diseases in Massachusetts residents. Larry Dapsis, Deer Tick Project Coordinator and an entomologist with Cape Cod Cooperative Extension, will discuss how to protect yourself, your landscape and your pets. He has over thirty five years of professional pest management experience. The panel will be moderated by Joanne Belanger, RN, Assistant Director of Public Health for the Town of Andover. Sponsored by the Friends of MHL and Andover's Health Division.
