Memorial Hall Library

Inclusivity at MHL

Memorial Hall Library (MHL) staff members have recently formed an Inclusivity Committee. We believe that a public library should be a place that is safe and welcoming to everyone. Our goal is to begin a comprehensive review of the Library’s policies, collections, programs, and displays to ensure they reflect and support the diversity of our community, the state, and the country.

MHL’s Committee supports the Town of Andover’s newly-formed Andover DIVERSE and the focus on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the 2020-2021 Select Board and Town Manager Goals and Objectives. We offer our unique skills as librarians to assist the Town with the implicit bias, equity and anti-racism work ahead.

Despite good intentions, public libraries can play a role in harming underrepresented people and groups. Therefore, we invite community members to reach out and suggest ways we can do a better job making them feel safe and welcome in our building and our virtual space. Reach us at or use the form below.

Antiracism and Social Justice Resources