Memorial Hall Library

Join our Winter Reading Club starting December 1!

WRC bingo board

Snow is falling, temperatures are cold, and the days are getting shorter and shorter. It may not be officially winter yet, but the time for staying inside and cozying up with a book is definitely here! This December 1st through January 2nd, we will have new program for patrons called Winter Reading Club. Instead of different programs for kids, teens, and adults like we have over the summer, we've created a bingo board that works for all ages. Complete the spaces which may challenge you to read a graphic novel or comic, or in a genre that you don't usually read. Some spaces require you to visit the library - we're looking forward to seeing you!

When you complete a row you can get a free book and when you complete the entire board you'll be entered to win a gift card from the Andover Bookstore! We hope that you will enjoy this program and read and visit the library this month. 

You can pick up bingo boards and staff suggested reading lists at the Children's, Teen, and Reference desks. For questions, please contact the Reference desk at 978-623-8430 /