The library will close Wednesday, July 3rd, at 5 pm and remain closed Thursday, July 4th, for Independence Day

Memorial Hall Library

Learn how to create healthy & allergen-free desserts.

baked goods

Are you thinking that now is the time to begin eating healthier, but you don’t want to give up those desserts you really enjoy?  Do food allergies or dietary restrictions prevent your family members from enjoying the sweets they crave? Would you like to know how to adapt your favorite baked recipes to accommodate almost any food need you and your family have?  Come learn the “secrets” to substituting ingredients in recipes to create desserts which not only are healthier for you but delicious tasting, too. On Tuesday, June 6 at 7pm in Memorial Hall, freelance writer, Paula Castner will share her extensive knowledge and recipes for turning some of your favorite baked goods into healthier alternatives. Learn how to revamp your recipes to accommodate dietary restrictions and food allergies. No cooking, but handouts will be provided. Sign up online. Sponsored by the Friends of MHL.


