All Hallow's Eve is almost upon us, a time of year when some traditions state ghosts and spirits may be better able to access the world of the living. Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, here are some fascinating nonfiction reads about ghost stories and hauntings. And if you believe you're being haunted yourself, check out our circulating ghost hunting kit!
Ghosts and legends of the Merrimack Valley
by C. C. Carole C.C. Carole has visited some of the most historic places in the Merrimack Valley and has found them buzzing with the ghostly energy and presence of those who came before. Join C.C. as she recounts her adventures and paints a historical backdrop of the region's haunts. As C.C. treks across New Hampshire and Massachusetts, the region's historic spirits reveal themselves in surprising ways. |
Ghosts of New England : true stories of encounters with the phantoms of New England and New York
by Hans Holzer Presents true accounts of spine-tingling encounters with spirits in New England's most haunted places from an expert in the field of the paranormal and the author of Life Beyond and Window to the Past. |
Boston's haunted history : exploring the ghosts and graves of Beantown
by Christopher Forest For more than 350 years, America's beloved Beantown (Boston) has held a special spot in American history. It should be of no surprise that Boston has also been a major center of ghostly activity since the first Europeans stepped foot on the land in the early 1600s. No stone has been left unturned to find these local legends and urban myths that loom like shadows in Boston. |
When ghosts speak : understanding the world of earthbound spirits
by Mary Ann Winkowski A consultant to the popular show Ghost Whisperer describes the author's childhood discovery of her ability to talk with spirits, her efforts to help the departed to make peace with their lives and cross over, and the steps non-psychics can take to identify when they are not alone. |
The haunting of America : from the Salem witch trials to Harry Houdini
by William J. Birnes Chronicles historical and political events that were shaped by paranormal factors, offering insight into the nation's enduring fascination with ghosts, witches, and other otherworldly phenomena that have influenced various aspects of American culture. By the best-selling authors of The Haunting of the Presidents. |
I am haunted : living life through the dead
by Zak Bagans An award-winning documentarian and paranormal expert describes his life exploring the mysterious of the beyond, including his induction into the Sabertooth Vampire Clan in Paris, his search for Dracula in a Romanian forest and his purchase of a haunted house. By the New York Times best-selling authors of Dark World. |
Ghostland : an American history in haunted places
by Colin Dickey Takes readers on a road trip through some of the United States' most infamously haunted placesùand deep into the dark side of American history. |
Weird encounters : true tales of haunted places
by Joanne Austin Presents over seventy-five supernatural stories of hauntings from across the United States, including an Illinois inn haunted by its dead owner, and a bridge in Mississippi haunted by a serial killer and his victims. |
The paranormal caught on film : amazing photographs of ghosts, poltergeists, and other strange phenomena
by Melvyn J. Willin Illuminating commentary from a ghost expert and psychic investigator accompanies each compelling picture in this mysterious and mesmerizing collection of photographs depicting ghosts and other extraordinary phenomena from around the world. |
Don't read this book before bed : thrills, chills, and hauntingly true stories
by Anna Claybourne A treasury of spine-tingling true stories about real-life monsters, doomed domains and strange disappearances, many attributed to ghosts and other supernatural encounters, are complemented by vibrant National Geographic photography. |
Good grief : heal your soul, honor your loved ones, and learn to live again
by Theresa Caputo The star of Long Island Medium and best-selling author of You Can't Make This Stuff Up shares inspiring, spirit-based lessons on how to work through and overcome grief in a guide that also offers example testimonies about the experiences of her clients. |
The apparitionists : a tale of phantoms, fraud, photography, and the man who captured Lincoln's ghost
by Peter Manseau The story of "spirit photographer" William Mumler documents how his images of the ghosts of loved ones were highly sought and infamously denounced, tracing the story of his successful defense against charges of fraud, the yet-unsolved mystery behind his photography and what his successes reveal about period culture. |