The library will close Wednesday, July 3rd, at 5 pm and remain closed Thursday, July 4th, for Independence Day

Memorial Hall Library

Would you like to be the first Andover Poet Laureate?

A poem begins with a lump in the throat, a homesickness or love-sickness.  It is a reaching out toward expression; an effort to find fulfillment.”
       -Robert Frost                                                                 

Poetry has deep and cherished roots in the history of Andover, as the home of Anne Bradstreet, one of America’s earliest recognized poets. Continuing that legacy, and striving to reinvigorate the role of poetry in the daily life of the community, the Town is excited to announce the creation of the position of Andover Poet Laureate.  Candidates for this two-year position must be Andover residents, aged 18 and over. Visit the Andover Poet Laureate page for all the details.