The library will close Wednesday, July 3rd, at 5 pm and remain closed Thursday, July 4th, for Independence Day

Memorial Hall Library

Get ready to rock with Summer Reading!

libraries rock logo

Even though Andover Public Schools are still in session, today is the first day of Summer! Enjoy this longest day of the year by getting ready for our Summer Reading programs for all ages. Starting on June 25 patrons can stop by service desks in the Children's Room, Teen Room, and Circulation and Reference Desk to sign up and get more information. This year's theme is "Libraries Rock!" so we have planned a great summer of music-themed programs for all ages. If you aren't that into music, don't worry! We have lots of events with something for everyone. To take a look at all of our programs, please visit our events calendar.

Children birth to grade 5

Children can stop by Summer Reading Central in the Children's Room to sign up and start counting minutes read. Our goal is to beat last year's 8,388 hours read! Kids who complete their first log will get a prize pack with a pencil, temporary tattoo, library card holder, free kid's meal from Chipotle, and free admission to the U.S.S. Constitution museum and Cowabunga Indoor playground. For each completed reading log, kids can add a Lego brick to this summer's awesome Lego creation! The Children's Room will also have weekly trivia, a Book Bingo program, and other great events all summer. 

Andover Public Schools doesn't have required reading for elementary students, but the Children's Room has lots of great book suggestions for all reading levels.

Teens entering grades 6 through 12

If you're looking for your school summer required reading lists, we have them and multiple copies of your required books. Andover Public Schools students have many more choices than they have had in the past, including nonfiction and graphic novels. If middle and high school students want help deciding which book to read, ask Teen Services Librarians Anna and Renata

The Teen Room also has a great Summer Reading Club where students can track their reading. Our goal is for teens to read 5 books or for 10 hours. After they do, they will receive a free book, a free pencil, a prize pack of coupons from local businesses like McDonald's, Bertucci's, and Chipotle and a raffle ticket for our grand prize drawings! Teens can pick up their reading logs starting June 25 and can turn them in between July 9 and August 17.


While Summer Reading is very important for students, it's also a great chance for patrons of all ages to take time to read. If you need suggestions, ask a librarian at the Reference Desk, sign up for a book recommendation newsletter, or try out our new service BookBrowse

Beginning Monday, June 25, stop by any library service desk (or the Center at Punchard library) and fill out a slip for every book you read or listen to. The more you read, the more chances to win a gift certificate to a local business! Prize sponsors include Quiet Pleasures Jewelry, Yella Grille and the Friends of Memorial Hall Library. Drawing takes place Friday, August 17. 

For more information visit our Summer Reading page. We look forward to rocking and reading with you all summer long!