Memorial Hall Library

In the Spotlight

guitar player

Learn Languages through Music!

Learning a language and want to get better? Use Pronunciator's ProRadio feature to listen to greatest hits from the world's greatest recording artists and read along with the lyrics to learn new vocabulary and understand what the songs...

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Andrew Flanagan

Come meet Andrew Flanagan, Andover's new Town Manager

The Board of Selectmen and Town Manager's office are hosting a reception for the community to welcome new Town Manager, Andrew Flanagan. Come to James Doherty Hall at the Andover Town House, 20 Main Street, on Thursday, October 15 from 5-7pm. The oath of office will be administered at 5:30pm....

In case you missed it, the opioid addiction panel discussion is now online.

Over 120 people turned out on September 29 for a panel discussion about this serious issue affecting so many communities. The...

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Andover Reads

October is election season at Memorial Hall Library.

We're organizing another community-wide read in 2016, and we're asking the community to help choose the book. The Library’s book selection committee worked hard to narrow the field to three nonfiction titles: ...

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Consumer Reports

Two great tools that can help you shop smarter

Next time you're getting ready to buy something or pay a company to do something for you, get informed by checking out these two resources:


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Cat reading To Kill a Mockingbird

There's nothing in here on how to kill a mockingbird!

Re-read the original to see if the kitty is correct.  Then read ...

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Book Return

Yes, We Have an Outside Book Return

It's the big metal box in the middle of the parking lot, right next to the Pay to Park kiosks. If you are returning a DVD, video game, CD, or audiobook, we ask that you secure the item with a rubber band or seal it in a plastic bag. We charge no late fees and items are checked in...

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Recycling containers

Recycling Bins Don't Have to Be Ugly

The Library is partnering with our DPW to make recycling easier for our patrons. New recycling containers are now located on the Lower Level, in the Teen Room, in the Main Street lobby and in Memorial Hall.

Bookflix, Tumblebooks library

e-Books Are Not Just for Adults

Did you know we subscribe to two  databases where you can read children's e-books online?  You can use them in the library on our computers, or access them at home using your Andover library card!  Check them out on our Children's Room Page!


Resources to Help Treat & Prevent Opioid Addiction

Opioid addiction is a serious problem. Library staff compiled a list of resources covering prevention, warning signs, treatment options and more. Programs are currently being scheduled and will be announced shortly. Call or email your suggestions: 978-623-...

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