The library will close Wednesday, July 3rd, at 5 pm and remain closed Thursday, July 4th, for Independence Day

Memorial Hall Library

Summer Reading Limits & Recommendations

Good news! As more MVLC libraries open up and our interlibrary loan service has gotten back up and running, we've ended the limits on checkouts of APS summer reading books. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about APS summer reading.

What are the assigned summer reading books this year?

You can find the lists here. Please note that for APS elementary and middle schoolers, the school has required that students read ANY ONE book--it doesn't even need to be off the school's suggested list. High school students are required to read ANY ONE book off of the high school list.

What are the limits being placed on checking out summer reading books?

As of 8/1/20, there are no limits on the number of summer reading books that can be checked out per library card.

How can I get a library card for my kids?

While the library is closed to the public, we are offering temporary cards online. Just fill out this form online and a card number will be emailed to you. These temporary cards will work as long as we are closed to the public. When we re-open, you'll be able to get permanent cards.

Why can't I put holds on summer reading titles this year?

As of 8/1/20, you can place holds on MHL copies of summer reading books. You will be notified when your holds arrive, and then you can schedule a curbside pickup for your items. Here's a video tutorial on how to place a hold online.

What about ebooks?

Great question! Many of the summer reading books are available as ebooks from Overdrive and/or Hoopla. Each grade level has several title choices available on Hoopla. The good news is that items available on Hoopla are always available, with no wait time. To learn more about getting started with Hoopla, check out this tutorial. To see which titles are available on Hoopla, check out the summer reading lists posted on MHL's website--we've added links to ebooks and e-audiobooks for each title. (There's also a tutorial for Overdrive/Libby, which also has many summer reading titles available. However, please note that ebooks on Overdrive do accrue waitlists like physical books do, while titles on Hoopla are always available.)

What are some other books for my kids to read?

Keep in mind that students only need to read one book off of the school's list. If they are waiting for assigned reading to come in, we're happy to recommend other books for them to read while they wait! 

Is the library offering a summer reading program this year?

Yes we are, although as with everything in 2020, it will look a little different this year. We are offering an online-only program through the app Beanstack. You can read more about that here. As usual, we have no required titles for our program--you and your family can read whatever books you like toward your reading goals for the MHL summer reading program.

I have another question!

You can call us at 978-623-8430, contact us via our online chat, or email us at and we will be happy to answer any other questions.

Thanks again to all of our patrons for your support and patience as we try to provide the best service possible to as many people as possible! Take care and take a book along with you.
