The library will close Wednesday, July 3rd, at 5 pm and remain closed Thursday, July 4th, for Independence Day

Memorial Hall Library

We're open again and you may have some questions.

We're happy to welcome our patrons back into the building. We keep changing things to make them more efficient and to serve as many of you as we can, but change can be confusing.

Curbside Pickup
Curbside pickup has changed a lot from when it started in mid-May. Updates are posted on this page. Now you can place your own items on hold in the catalog and wait for a notice that they're ready before you schedule a pickup time. We've changed from half hour windows and increased the number of slots to make it more convenient for you. The pickup location has moved from the table right outside the back door to the patio several steps to the left as you face the back of the building. Pick up your items from the carts under the blue tent on the patio. We've filled well over 4,200 requests since May!

Book Drop
We prefer that library materials be returned to the book drop in our parking lot. For those who aren't famililar, it's the large silver bin with two openings next to the parking payment machines. You can walk up or drive up and place your items in the slots.

Visiting the Building
You'll notice when you're in the building we are following strict guidelines about how many patrons can be in each area, and we're paying close attention to physical distancing. There are signs posted in each area stating the maximum occupancy, and these numbers include Library staff. This means when you sign up for a family to visit the Library, you must list each person in your group so we can maintain safety for everyone. The number of appointments is limited so we can sanitize areas of the building regularly throughout the day.

Quarantining Materials
Library materials returned to us are quarantined for 72 hours before they are returned to the shelves. That's why items you've returned may not be removed from your card right away. Quarantining slows things down but keeps us all safer.