Memorial Hall Library

What Difference Do a DA and Sheriff Make?

What difference do a da and sheriff make
Tuesday, July 19, 2022 - 7:00pm

Learn about District Attorneys and Sheriffs, elected officials who have tremendous impact on people’s lives and our communities in this online voter education program.

Register on Zoom. 

District attorneys are the most powerful people in the criminal justice system. They decide who gets charged with a crime - and determine how most criminal cases are resolved. Sheriffs have the power to make our communities safer and more just for all - but most Massachusetts voters don’t even know who their sheriff is.

Laura Rótolo of ACLU Massachusetts and Stacy Seward of The Dream Network will discuss how these two offices operate in Essex County. Their online presentations will be followed by a moderated Q&A led by Gail Forsyth-Vail.

Visit the ACLU Massachusetts website to learn more about the What A Difference A DA Makes and Know Your Sheriff voter education campaigns.

The State Primary is Tuesday, September 6th. LWV chapters in Essex County are hosting two candidates' forums at 7:00pm on Zoom on August 11th for Sheriff and August 18th for District Attorney. Both will be recorded.

Hosted by Memorial Hall Library, in collaboration with ACLU Massachusetts, The Dream Network, Courageous Conversations, and League of Women Voters chapters in Essex County.
