Memorial Hall Library

Courageous Conversations: Rise in Hate ~ LGBTQ+ Panel

lgbtq+ panel
Wednesday, February 8, 2023 - 7:00pm

LGBTQ+ panel discussion as part of the Rise in Hate series.

Register on Zoom.

Massachusetts is witnessing a rise in hate towards the LBGTQ+ community, as is the nation, fueled by misinformation and a lack of awareness. The forces of opposition are small, yet loud and increasingly more organized. This has fueled a fractured society that unfairly politicizes the bodies of LGBTQ+ folks who are just trying to live their lives.

The devastating effects of hate against the LGBTQ community are evident in a suicide attempt rate that is 4 times higher among LGBTQ youth than their peers. LGBTQ youth are not inherently prone to suicide risk because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, rather placed at higher risk because of how they are mistreated and stigmatized in society.

This Courageous Conversation aims to correct misinformation and provide an overview of approaches that community members and allies can use to improve conversations about LGBTQ equality, with a focus on illustrating the concrete harms and hate that LGBTQ people face here in Andover and across Massachusetts, helping straight, cis-gender people see those harms through their own eyes, and avoiding missteps that can create roadblocks to successful discussions.

  • Moderator: Ian Whalen-Stone (all pronouns), Greater Boston PFLAG
  • Panelists:  Renee Manning (she/her), transgender advocate; Grayson DiNino (he/him), AHS class of 2022; Larainne Wilson (she/her), parent and Director of Equity and Counseling in Ayer Shirley, Caitlin Mitchell (she/her), AHS Gender and Sexuality Alliance Co-Adviser

This program is a partnership with Courageous Conversations and Memorial Hall Library.