The library will close Wednesday, July 3rd, at 5 pm and remain closed Thursday, July 4th, for Independence Day

Memorial Hall Library

Two NEW Trusted Market Intelligence Services (Temporary Access)

EMIS Intelligence and Standard & Poor's Global Net Advantage are temporarily accessible from from home with a Boston Public Library ecard. If financial and industrial data is part of your work, school, or personal investment life, these research resources are well worth a look. As always, valuable market data from Morningstar and Value Line are available remotely with your Memorial Hall Library Card. If you are having trouble accessing one of these resources, let us know by email or chat.  

Charts like this can be customized and downloaded with EMIS Intelligence

EMIS Intelligence is an emerging market data service. News, publications and analytics for private and public companies, industries, and countries can be customized into downloadable Excel charts and image files for use in research and publication. EMIS Intelligence covers over 1 million companies over 120 countries. The platform allows users to make custom visual and numeric displays of company financials, creditworthiness, ownership, and the latest industry news. 

Access to up-to-date investment outlook reports from S&P Global Net Advantage

Standard & Poor's Global Net Advantage is a comprehensive business information database with searchable content from several trusted S&P publications. It includes US and international business and investment information.  It also includes market news, company and financial information as well as industry analysis. S&P Global Net Advantage provides timely access to comprehensive data and independent analysis on thousands of investments including mutual funds, stocks, exchange-traded funds, and closed-end funds. Full-text information is available from bond guides, corporation records, dividend records, earnings guides, mutual fund reports, industry surveys and outlook reports. 

