The library will close Wednesday, July 3rd, at 5 pm and remain closed Thursday, July 4th, for Independence Day

Memorial Hall Library

What's Happening

APS summer reading lists

Summer Reading Lists for Andover Public Schools

Believe it or not it's time to start thinking about Summer Reading! We know that this year is going to be different from previous summer reading programs, so we're working to debut our programs for all ages soon.

In the meantime, Andover Public Schools and Greater Lawrence Technical...

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Looking for other food options? Try a local farm!

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it many challenges, including finding fresh food. If you want to explore local food options and support local farmers, Northeast Harvest is a 'buy local' program supported by the Essex Agricultural...

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wild edibles

Fresh veggies wherever you look.

During this time of uncertainty, many of us have found solace and calm by spending as much time as possible outdoors, enjoying nature and starting vegetable gardens. I planted early this year, and I get pleasure from watching my sturdy seedlings capture every scrap of warm sunshine.  Meanwhile,...

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audiobooksync program

Free Audiobooks for Teens Starting Now!

Do you know about Sync? Teens aged 13+  can get free audiobook downloads starting now through July 1. Each week two new audiobooks will be available for download. This week is The 57 Bus Dashka Slater and Monday’s Not Coming by Tiffany D. Jackson.


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Growing Garlic Greens, Onions and more!

Digging around in my pantry looking for dinner inspiration, I unearthed several heads of garlic wishing they had a place to grow!  Garlic is an allium. Alliums don’t grow when days are short and nights are long, but, when spring comes and days lengthen, alliums spring into action. We...

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spring pansies

It's gardening season. How do I get my plants and supplies?

Are you feeling restless? Do you want to get gardening, begin digging, grow something, but not sure if you can?  Warm, early spring afternoons and self-quarantine can do that to you!

This year, when spring is unusually early, the request to self-quarantine poses several logistical...

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thermometers in soil

Spring, Seeds and Soil Temperature

Spring came early this year, and with it, the itch to get gardening! Yes, it’s earlier than usual to think of planting outdoors in our area. Nights are still cold, but many days are fairly warm. Garden clean-up can certainly begin, and compost spread around the base of perennials and in the...

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mhl at home remote access

Books, content, and resources you can access from home!

With concerns about COVID-19, unpredictable weather, and the notion that being home with a good book is really nice, there are plenty of reasons why accessing library materials from home is a great idea! If you can't get the library for whatever reason, don't worry. MHL has a number of resources...

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woman screaming invasive plants

Native plants, invasive species?! What do I do?

Gardeners may be familiar with the terms naturescaping, xerioscaping, invasive species, and native plant landscaping but what do they really mean? And where can you find out more information about them? MHL and the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium have robust gardening collections and events...

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girls who code information sessions

Girls Who Code for 6-12th grade students

Interested in learning more about our Girls Who Code clubs? This free program, hosted by MHL and facilitated by local computer science professionals, aims to encourage girls and nonbinary students to get involved with science, technology, engineering, and math via coding. 

For a full list...

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