The library will be closed Monday, January 20th, for Martin Luther King Day

Memorial Hall Library

Nonprofit Organizations Working in and Around Andover

Nonprofit Organizations Working in and Around Andover

Andover is fortunate to have a rich network of nonprofit organizations doing important work to enhance the quality of life for the entire community. This list may not be entirely comprehensive, but it includes several groups active in the community. For more information, call the Reference Desk at 978-623-8430, email or chat with a librarian.

Andona Society

Supports youth programs in Andover, MA.

Andover Center for History and Culture

The Andover Center for History and Culture connects people to each other and the community, fostering community engagement by bringing people together around Andover's stories.

Andover Coalition for Education

ACE partners with the Andover Public Schools to support innovative, curriculum enhancing, system-wide initiatives that will inspire our students to succeed in facing today’s global challenges.

Andover Community Trust

Based on a strong belief that economic diversity is an important contributor to vital and livable communities, Andover Community Trust advocates for and develops permanently affordable homes for the Andover community.

Andover Senior Community Friends

We support the community by promoting, sponsoring and supporting programs and services designed to enrich the quality of life for all Andover seniors.

Andover Village Improvement Society (AVIS)

AVIS is a non-profit land trust dedicated to a) acquiring land and preserving it in its natural state and b) encouraging public use and quiet enjoyment of the reservations.

Friends of Memorial Hall Library

The Friends of Memorial Hall Library raise money for the Library through book sales and memberships. The funds they raise provide programs and services for all ages - story times, concerts, author talks, lectures, museum passes, teen programs, and materials and equipment not funded in the the Library's regular budget. The Friends encourage public support for the Library, and work to foster awareness and use of the Library. They also recruit and encourage volunteers to become involved in book sales and other events.
