The library will be closed Monday, January 20th, for Martin Luther King Day

Memorial Hall Library

Record of Death and Interment of Andover Soldiers and Sailors

In 2005, thanks to generous funding from Margaret Doherty Chambers and the Doherty Family of Andover and Philadelphia, Memorial Hall Library was able to professionally preserve and rebind an important 19th century volume in the Library's Andover Room Collections.  Record of Death and Interment of Andover Soldiers and Sailors.

This book is the primary document in the library's collection relating to the names and lives of the soldiers and sailors who fought in the Civil War from Andover. The book contains a separate entry for each name including the place and date of death and place of decoration and interment for each soldier and sailor. The book also contains the notes on Andover's celebrations of “Decoration Day” from 1868 to 1878 including handwritten copies of the public addresses given on those days.

The restored volume of the Record of Death and Interment of Andover Soldiers and Sailors is available in the library's Andover Room. Also, a scanned electronic version is available below. 

Index to Andover Civil War Soldiers and Sailors, a supplemental document to the Record and Interment of Andover Soldiers and Sailors
In the early 2000s, Andover Veteran's Office representative and local historian, Joan Patrakis compiled an especially helpful Index to Andover Civil War Soldiers and Sailors which documents, in alphabetical  form the 716 names of the men who represented Andover in the Civil War. Patrakis' Index lists name, date of death, regiment, rank and place of interment for the soldiers and sailors from Andover.  The Index is a comprehensive and excellent resource for historians, genealogists and persons looking for more information about Civil War soldiers and ancestors.
