Memorial Hall Library

In the Spotlight

Books for Fans of Lessons in Chemistry

Books For Fans of Lessons in Chemistry

Are you a fan of Bonnie Garmus's hit novel Lessons In Chemistry, and/or the TV adaptation? (If you'd like to watch the Apple+ miniseries but don't...

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November 2023 Mid-Month Sudoku

With this month's Sudoku we share another Dad Joke from Stephen King, back from when "X" was Twitter:

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New Cookbooks

2023 New Cookbooks

Looking for new recipes? Whether you're looking for a stunning Thankgiving menu or easy weeknight dinners, MHL's cookbook section has plenty of inspiration for you. Here are 15 recent cookbooks to check out--and there are a lot more where this came from. You can also use your MHL card to access...

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Novels Written For NaNoWriMo

Novels Written For NaNoWriMo

Every year in November, thousands of writers attempt the challenge of National Novel Writing Month, aka NaNoWrIMo. The goal is to write 50,000 words in one month--if you meet that goal by November 30th, you're a winner of the challenge. And...

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November 2023 Puzzle: Veteran Musicians

Dear crossword fans: The library will be closed November 10 and 11 in observance of Veterans Day. We hope you enjoy this month's puzzle! If you have your Andover library card...

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October is Bullying Prevention Month

Choose Kind

October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Here are some recent middle-grade books about the negative impacts of bullying and ways to model kindness and inclusivity...

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Skin Deep: Books on Beauty

Skin Deep

Are you curious about the history of the beauty industry? Looking for tips on how to make your own skincare products or perfect your smoky eyeshadow technique? We've got books for that! Teens in grades 6-12 can also sign up for our ...

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October 2023 Mid-Month Sudoku

Dumb numbers joke — auf Deutsch edition!

A woman walks up to a bar and orders two martinis. The bartender asks, "dry?" The woman looks at him and says, "Nein, zwei."

If this joke makes no sense to you, take some fun German classes...

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Spooky Stories By Latinx Authors

Spooky Stories by Latinx Authors

Hispanic Heritage Month continues through October 15th, which is well into spooky season. Here are some spooky stories written by Latinx authors for teens and adults, perfect for this time of year! 

October 2023 Puzzle: Celebrity Heroes

This month's crossword features famous people who've done action-hero type things in real life. If you're worried about missing out on the action taking place at the library, sign up for library news by email!
